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    Fishing in Russia with best local guides.

    Fishing in Russia every year attracts more and more travelers from all over the world who discover the beauty of northern nature and the variety of fishing trophies here. The Atlantic Salmon on the Kola Peninsula, the Rainbow trout in Kamchatka and taimen in Khabarovsk Krai are waiting for you!

    Atlantic salmon in Kola Penisula (1)

    First of all, foreigners come to Russia to fish for the Atlantic salmon on the Kola Peninsula. Its salmon rivers – the Kharlovka, Yoganga, Rynda,  Eastern Litsy, Umba, Varzuga, Strelna, Viala, Kola, Pana, Ponoy and many many others  – are well known all over the world.

    Atlantic salmon

    We will help you decide on the river and the best dates, we will organize not only a productive fishing for you but a competent logistics, comfortable accommodation and delicious food as well.

    Atlantic salmon in Kola Penisula (4)

    Some people think that fishing on the Kola Peninsula is extremely expensive, but there are quite modest options and you can go fishing even in the most famous rivers for reasonable money.


    The second most popular place visited by anglers from America, Europe and Asia is Kamchatka. This is a huge area the size of which can be comparable to Italy, there are 540 volcanoes, 7 mountain ranges and over 12,000 rivers and streams here.

    Kamchatka (2)

    The main trophy of Kamchatka is the rainbow trout, which can weigh up to 4-5 kilograms here and is distinguished by its fighting spirit. Anglers will also appreciate char, 6 species of the Pacific salmon, grayling and other trophies here.


    Going to Kamchatka you should be morally prepared for camp conditions and a bit lower level of logistics and service comparing to Alaska. As we are Russians, we know this region quite well, but we always try to make the local organizers arrange tours in accordance with international standards which we have become accustomed to during our fishing tours around the world.

    Kamchatka (5)

    The Kola Peninsula and Kamchatka are well known in the world fishing community, but, in our opinion,  fishing for taimen is the most interesting thing in Russia. Taimen are insatiable predators that can grow to enormous sizes. The largest officially registered specimen weighed 109 kg with the length of about 1.5 meters.

    Taimen (3)

    There are a few places in Russia with a stable population of this predator, but the largest specimens are found in the rivers of the Khabarovsk Krai.

    Taimen (1)

    We organize very personalized float trips for this unique trophy, during which you will have an exciting fishing with the best guides and enjoy a unity with the majestic nature.

    Taimen (2)

    E-mail to us about the approximate dates of fishing, the desired trophies and the structure of the group. In response, we will offer the best fishing place and the program of the tour.

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