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    / Fishing reports / ALASKA FISHING REPORT JUNE 16-30, 2016


    I would like not only to describe our fishing in Alaska in June, but also to analyze the results of Chinook fishing in 2016.


    The Chinook migration began 10 days earlier due to an abnormally early spring. The snow melted 2 weeks earlier! The climate change usually causes negative consequences, but it affected the Chinook migration in the most positive way


    There are optical sensors in riverbeds of practically all the “Chinook” rivers in Alaska. According to their data, it is possible to trace the dynamics of entering of various salmon species to spawn (the sensors do not only count each fish, but can also distinguish different salmon species).


    Here’s this year’s data on one of our favorite rivers in the southwest of Alaska. Not to overload you with information, I’ve pointed out the weeks and added two days (July 17, 18) with the maximum entering. By the way, in 2015 – 98 000 Chinook entered the river for the whole season, and the peak of entering (9 427 specimens) was registered on June 27.



    It’s unbelievable to come to the river that day when 20 000 Chinook have just entered it! It’s not so easy to describe it in words! It’s a unique experience! The fish strike any bait and often jump out of the water.



    With the coming of the next flock a real boom starts, there are strikes on several spinning rods on all the boats at once.



    Actually, it is possible to fish in any place or fish from the shore. And if the camp is located conveniently, there is a chance to dispense with unnecessary movements around the water area.



    If you prefer fly fishing, such days is a real gift.



    This year we actively used tent camps to spend nights on the river.



    That allowed us not to waste time on flights from the lodge to the river and back and make the most of the dawn and the sunset.



    But to tell the truth, there were enough fish at any time of the day in Alaska this year, and we were satisfied even with a few hours of fishing. So, we always had time to enjoy the delicacies from the caught fish and caviar.



    Tent camps in Alaska are quite good and comfortable. There is a cook, a shower and other benefits of civilization. You can stay 1 or 2 nights here, not to be in a hurry to fish in a new river.



    Sleeping here is quite comfortable. There are practically no mosquitoes in Alaska.



    The local guides consider a caviar bait to be the most efficient. Fishing with it resembles jig fishing from a boat slowly moving downstream.



    The guide slows the boat with the help of a small engine and keeps the course trying to fish in the most promising pits and sections of the riverbed, while the anglers watch the sinker hitting the river bottom and strike at the slightest bite. The technique is, undoubtedly, the most efficient, and it gives the opportunity to fish in the sections of the river which are impossible to “pierce” with the lure, as well as a chance to take a break from the constant casts.



    A dozen king salmon per angler a day is quite a good result, but some of our clients managed to catch up to 15-20 fish a day. The main thing here is the ability to read the river, choose the optimum bait and fishing technique.



    Besides Chinook, the dog-salmon struck perfectly. Fly fishing was the most effective and each cast resulted in a strike, provided that the fishing spot and the fly were chosen correctly.



    We also caught trout, char, grayling, and pikes as bycatch.



    Write to our e-mail and we will organize a great fishing for you. There are lodges of different levels, tent camps, and other accommodation options on the best rivers of Alaska and Canada.



    It’s time to book the best dates for the next year now!

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